For example, someone who has a low IQ may be very intelligent in other areas. This discovery generated a more comprehensive concept of intelligence.
This is how we can see people with excellent academic qualifications but with low social intelligence. Also applying this concept, Stephen Hawking does not have a greater intelligence than Leo Messi, but rather they have different intelligences.
The case of savants refers to people with serious cognitive failures, but who have exceptional talent in some subject. One of them was Kim Peek, who had little ability to reason, but was able to memorize maps and entire books.
Below we will explore the different intelligences, how to unlock creative and emotional potential, and the importance of a holistic education to better cultivate the citizens of the future.
1. Multiple Intelligences
The theory recognizes eight types of intelligence, each with its own importance and uniqueness:
Linguistic Intelligence: Mastery of language and effective communication.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Logical reasoning and mathematical problem solving.
Spatial Intelligence: Observation of the world from various perspectives.
Musical intelligence: Ability to play, read and compose music.
Body Intelligence: Excellence in physical skills, from dance to surgery.
Interpersonal intelligence: Deep perception of the emotions and thoughts of others.
Naturalistic Intelligence: Connection with nature and understanding of the environment.
2. Discover the Inner Genius:
Genius is not determined by the physical structure of the brain, but by its ability to function creatively.
Specific methods, such as speaking and writing, help express knowledge and develop intelligence.
Effective time and mind management is essential to maximizing productivity and creativity.
3. Unlocking Emotional Intelligence:
It is necessary to learn to harmonize the reptilian, emotional and rational brains, which is crucial to achieve emotional balance and rational thinking. You have to get your instincts, emotions and thoughts to point in the same direction.
Reading and imagination play a fundamental role in creative expansion and problem solving.
4. Holistic Education and Empowerment:
Education must go beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge, addressing vocation and emotional skills.
Empowerment arises from self-knowledge and the alignment of talents with objectives, facilitated by a comprehensive educational approach.
Meaningful relationships and social intelligence are essential components for personal and professional growth.
Precise methods
They are what allow you to act quickly and reduce time, which reduces the use of brute force and increases quality. Studying for many hours to compensate for the lack of method leads to each added hour producing more fatigue and less performance.
Brute force is the passport to burn out or burned brain. Learning to manage time and mind increases productivity, one hour well spent is worth four.
What cannot be measured cannot be improved. Neurobic training (neural training) is achieved with cognitive training. It is also important to measure and compare oneself with models of excellence, an experience known as (benchmarking) and thus develop empowerment (inner power) blocked by methodological deficiencies.
As Pareto discovered, in his 80/20 law, 20% of the factors cause 80% of the results. By applying the Archimedes lever on these vital minimums, performance is enhanced. The best investment is to educate, enhance and know how to use natural resources.
How many kinds of intelligence have you managed to develop?
As we saw, the theory of multiple intelligences changed the way intelligence is measured, confirming that one can be intelligent in different ways.
The classical approach did not focus on vocation as the main intelligence. But as Seneca said: there are no favorable winds if you don’t know where you want to go.
We have an inner power that the world knows as empowerment and it becomes intelligent power when it combines wanting with effectiveness. Accessing the desire implies harmonizing vocation, talent and the labor market.
It is not enough to know what you want; Without achieving it, the desire is frustrated. The same happens if the career is chosen by imposition of the family or of the consumer society, which provides a radar to imitate the rich and famous but not the compass of self-knowledge.
Intelligence is also blocked by methodological deficiencies. The philosopher Nietzche suggested that methods are man’s greatest wealth.
A first mismatch is emotional disintelligence, the lack of correspondence between the vocation and the emotions experienced in daily activity. Wanting is also blocked due to lack of imagination, or bohemia: heating the kettle but not drinking mate.
The strategic blockage consists of not knowing how to set goals; He who fails to plan plans to fail. Another common mistake is not knowing how to execute the plan. They are skills that must be trained (learn to learn and undertake).
A key virtue is social intelligence: it involves choosing well those who will accompany us on life’s path. Social capital is the sum of productive relationships. We can continue listing multiple intelligences but it is important to know that true “development” is not what we have but what we do with it, to convert spirit into matter.
So that the genie inside us does not remain locked in Aladdin’s lamp, we must be able to create ideas and put them into practice. To achieve this, a coach is needed to make it easier to realize the vocation.
Therefore, education must be the country’s heavy industry because it is what creates the citizens of the future.
Developing inner genius involves recognizing and cultivating multiple intelligences, unlocking emotional intelligence, and adopting a holistic education. On this journey, each individual can discover their creative potential and contribute significantly to society. Education, as the driving force behind this process, must become the cornerstone of our society, allowing the inner genius of each person to illuminate the path to a prosperous and harmonious future.