7 reasons to study Industrial Engineering in Ecuador

This career is part of the offer of universities with 100% virtual programs.

Are you about to graduate from school, or have you already completed your basic education, and are you evaluating the options offered by the university world? In this article we will focus on a career that will open doors for you in the job market, while allowing you to contribute to the development of Ecuador. We are referring to the career in Industrial Engineering.

If you have already heard about this professional option and it catches your attention, but you still do not feel 100% sure about making the decision, we will share with you below a series of reasons why it is a good idea to study it.

If there is something that every student wants from their degree, it is for it to be in good demand in the labor market. In that sense, Industrial Engineering meets that expectation: in Ecuador, the Demand for industrial engineers is booming.

This is due to the constant evolution of the productive sector and the digitalization of the economy, which means that companies require trained professionals capable of manage, analyze and optimize processes to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic and demanding world.

The curricular framework of this career contemplates providing students with all the tools to design and improve all company processesin order to improve results in productivity and profitability.

Imagine having the freedom to choose between working in manufacturing, services, government or even starting your own company or consultancy. That is what the Industrial Engineering career offers you, thanks to the fact that its study program is multidisciplinary and prepares you comprehensively.

Some of the areas where industrial engineers can develop professionally are:

  • Quality control departments: where they must ensure compliance with the standard established for the products or services.
  • Factories: where they are responsible for analyzing and proposing improvements in processes, as well as proposing sustainable growth strategies.
  • Production lines: where they focus on achieving maximum performance of industrial processes, through a series of optimization strategies.
  • Logistics companies or logistics areas within companies: where they carry out analysis, design, programming and control of production and logistics systems to achieve greater efficiency.

Although this depends on the position and career of each person within a company, the truth is that Industrial Engineering and Administration graduates have ample opportunities to develop themselves to obtain highly responsible positions, which have the most competitive salaries on the market.

According to the Computrabajo job portal, professions with a focus on commerce and administration are within the most demanded by Ecuadorian companies due to its key role in the functioning of businesses.

The demand for personnel specialized in these tasks makes industrial engineers can quote themselves betterto the extent that they are competitive and have experience to provide efficient solutions to business needs.

The Industrial Engineering and Administration degree equips you with skills that will be useful in the professional path you decide to take. Here are some examples of the most outstanding knowledge and skills:

  • Design of strategic plans for business looking to boost their performance.
  • Alignment of company processes: to maintain systems that guarantee the necessary efficiency.
  • human engineering: through work methods that promote productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Creation of manufacturing systems: through research to design production systems that offer greater advantages in the final cost of the product.
  • Development of control systems: focused on specific objectives and that can be used to make plans.

As we saw, being an industrial engineer means having the tools to improve efficiency and productivity of the companies. In this way, working to add competitiveness to local businesses means contributing to the economic and social development of your country.

On the other hand, industrial engineers serve as decision makers to transform processes in search of improvements, which has an impact on:

  • Reduce waste, through efficient use of resources.
  • Improve working conditions through best management and leadership practices.
  • Implement the use of cutting-edge technologies to add efficiency to processes.
  • Change raw materials to more environmentally friendly materials, to reduce environmental impact.

The constant development of technological solutions focused on efficiencyas well as the challenges related to the use of materials with lower environmental impact, causes companies to constantly transform and this leads to the role of industrial engineers being of great value in productive environments.

That is why the career is positioned as a current profession and with a great field of action before the challenges of the future. With this type of preparation, you have the possibility of pursuing postgraduate studies, including the opportunity to work in different areas or companies abroad.

Currently, the Industrial Engineering degree is part of the offering of universities with virtual systems, who have 100% online study programsso they become an alternative for students who do not have a campus nearby where they can study that profession.

In addition, these formats have a series of advantages, from the development of digital skills, the possibility of studying from anywhere, with an internet connection, to the fact of being able combine your studies with a job part-time or full-time, as a way to support your finances.

If you are looking for flexibility and convenience without sacrificing the quality of your education, the online university format may be the perfect option for you.

In summary, if you are looking for a career that provides you with job stability, allows you to develop essential skills for today’s world, contributes to the growth of your country and offers you a competitive salary, Industrial Engineering is the most promising choice. So don’t wait any longer, get ready for an exciting journey towards professional success and a job development full of satisfaction!
