The mental gatekeeper: The gatekeeper who selects thoughts

Thoughts are like guests at a party in your mind, and some of them can be quite undesirable. Recent research suggests that recurring thoughts create neural connections, generating chemicals that affect our mood. The cycle of negative thoughts can become a downward spiral that influences our daily well-being.

The key is awareness. Being aware of our thoughts allows us to become the gatekeeper of our mind. As goalkeepers, we must select who can enter and who cannot. When faced with negative thoughts, we can gently deny them entry or give them the opportunity to transform into something positive.

The gatekeeper must also be alert to external triggers, such as television, actions or people, that can trigger unwanted thoughts. While we avoid the negative ones, it is vital to create positive triggers, such as focusing on resolving unfinished business or changing the mental scene when a negative thought scores a goal. “The best hunter misses a hare.”

True happiness is not found in external possessions or the achievement of specific goals. It is found in the development of our internal capacities to appreciate both the good and bad moments of life. Happiness is not a destination, but an internal journey where we learn to enjoy every step we take.

We live in a high-tech world, but our brains have ancient roots. Multitasking disturbs the mind, affects health and hinders performance. Modern society, full of distractions, has increased interference in our daily lives.

Despite technological challenges, we can improve our cognitive control. Physical exercise, mental games, and spending time in nature are valuable tools. Additionally, recognizing and treating the anxiety that leads us to multitask can be key to improving our performance and mental well-being.

Ultimately, each of us is the gatekeeper of our own mind. We can decide how much influence external thoughts and stimuli have on our happiness. By carefully selecting what we allow in, we create a more positive and balanced mental space.

In short, the Mental Gatekeeper becomes the hero of our personal story, guiding us toward a happier, more fulfilling life in a world saturated with stimuli and distractions. The key is to be aware and active in selecting our thoughts and experiences!
