Learn to think outside the box

Thinking outside the box allows us to change what we have so internalized that it does not allow us to see reality clearly. Einstein said that to achieve different results you should not always do the same thing. Logic takes us from A to B and imagination anywhere.

To improve performance and introduce new things, you have to learn to innovate. You can be creative without being innovative, a creative person can generate many ideas without knowing how to put them into practice and be like a bohemian who heats up the kettle but cannot drink mate.

They say that God made man in his image and likeness and that he transferred his creative power to him. He made the animal complete but he brought man into the world half-finished, so that he himself would be in charge of building his own destiny. Education is what must deal with bringing out from within the potential that we bring at birth. Just as a soldier is taught to use a weapon, children must know how to use their tool, which is their brain.

When we see exceptional performance in someone, they are not a machine, as they say, but rather they have discovered their inner genius, which is their divine essence, which in turn generates their empowerment or inner power.

According to the theory of multiple intelligences, we all have it from the factory. Educate comes from educare, which means bringing out the potential from within. The first discovery is to find genius, the intelligence that guides the others, it is spiritual or vocational intelligence.

Being creative when innovative is the best imitator that God has on earth.
God did not create the world suddenly, he did it in 7 days which reveals the importance of a good action plan, because if you fail to plan you plan to fail.

The problem is that education does not teach the average citizen to realize their ideas, nor to master the new technologies that open up endless opportunities.

The pandemic catalyzed this ability to generate new things, focusing on generating ideas. The common factor is learning to see what others do not see. Developing solutions means committing to change and includes soft skills such as active listening, understanding what is happening, interacting with peers and carrying out studies to arrive at better proposals based on collaboration and paying attention to external sources that allow you to think differently. . They must be curious, constantly train, and emphasize continuous learning. We must emphasize the general over the particular and give a more prominent role to people than to technologies, because, beyond the potential of software and hardware, ideas always emerge from teams.

Thinking outside the box, or thinking outside the box as a literal translation from English thinking out of the box,It is a metaphor that means thinking unconventionally, from a new perspective. This expression refers to creative thinking.

It starts from a metaphor, that everything that is known, believed or has been experienced is inside a box. The man is in the center, surrounded by everything that he has been taught or that he has learned through example, experience, education, etc. Thinking outside the box means leaving all that aside and looking for extraordinary solutions to problems. ordinary. It is going beyond the obvious, the routine or what everyone sees.

Thinking outside the box allows us to change what we have so internalized that it does not allow us to see reality clearly. Einstein said that to achieve different results you should not always do the same thing. Logic takes us from A to B and imagination anywhere.

You can change your way of thinking by putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

When someone says I'm thinking… are they really thinking or are they repeating a cassette?

When it is said: I was thinking about you, in reality it was not thinking but remembering. To break the routine, role playing is used with Edward de Bono's 6 hats.

This way you can approach any topic without fear: the self is protected because the role playing is impersonal and is derived from the role played. The ego will go on vacation and will not repress the thinker. It is a simple technique that directs attention to areas that are not usually visited, it proposes points of view that modify the usual dynamics of the brain by accepting the challenge of traveling through them, in the transition from intention to action.

The actor looks for facts separated from his beliefs about them and asks himself: what elements do I have? Are they real or probable? Can I verify them? In this role, the aim is not to fit the data together to win an argument, but rather to be objective and neutral.

Act from emotion, intuition or preference without the need to justify it. The interpreter wonders: it smells bad to me, I don't know why? The red hat frees perception and allows intuition to emerge without hiding the feeling, it legitimizes the expression.

Use logic to say no, assume the negative side of the situation. Criticize without fear of destroying, because that is your function. Other hats can cope with it.

He is optimistic and happy. Look for the positive side to make things happen. He remembers and applies old ideas better, is constructive, sees the full part of the bottle.

It is that of hope that seeks to provoke novelty. Go from judgment to movement. Ask yourself: What new idea or creative observation will I generate today?

Coordinates and directs the hat orchestra by tuning the instruments. It values ​​their melodic contribution and synthesizes them based on priority. Define the agenda.

Changing the point of view avoids falling into perceptual automatism causing creative chaos. And to take action: take off your hats, because excessive analysis causes paralysis.

A riddle is the ingenious description, in prose, of a message that the receiver must discover. It is fascinating to face a mystery and you are not entirely happy until you unravel it. That's why riddles are so engaging.

The training strategy is to learn to generate a factory of ideas and productive relationships, with the brain being its main protagonist. The main advantage of cognitive training based on the solution of original problems is that it is a gymnastics that is not easy to practice in everyday life, based rather on the repetition of routines.

When faced with a riddle, you have to start observing, generating interesting and creative hypotheses, and logically relating the premises. The exercises are always different and amplify the repertoire of responses. Let's look at an observation puzzle.

Most people can't see it.

The best ideas seem to come out of nowhere, when you are in this state. They can arise in sleep or in the conscious state. To learn to dream, you must record your dreams and identify their patterns. They can also be programmed while awake so that the brain, which is the best computer in the world, helps solve problems creatively, activating the sleeping giant (the right hemisphere). The potential for mixing sleep and wakefulness is enormous and depends on imagination and motivation.

It is based on clear intentions and strong desires, seeking that the programs are activated when sleeping, to modify the real world in the dream world. The best ideas are born in bed, in the bathroom and in the group, when the dominant left hemisphere falls asleep. A genius of dreams turned into reality, Walt Disney, said it: “If you can dream it you can do it.”

You have to get out of the patterns and incorporate new things and welcome them. However, as Pasteur said chance only favors prepared minds. King Serendipo educated his three sons, the princes had to travel and solve problems to learn to govern. This is how they found answers to new problems and discovered things without wanting to. They sailed letting chance order their lives. Serendipity or good fortune refers to discoveries by chance. Success is not accidental. Good luck requires learning a method to travel through life, provoke chance and attract good luck.

The philosophy is to enjoy the trip, you can circulate without discovering anything or making every moment an opportunity. To achieve this you need to have the mentality of a child. Good luck creators are curious, open, and obsessively persistent. If the spirit becomes an idea, the idea becomes a project, and the project becomes an achievement, it means that good luck inhabits them.

The 4 A's of education are Learning to be, learning to learn, learning to do and learning to live together. Today a new one was added, which is A for learning to unlearn. The thing is that beliefs and tools become obsolete in the face of the rapid change caused by new technologies. This situation involves changing the attitude with which you face problems, including the beliefs you have yourself.

This involves choosing what they mean to you and achieving the freedom to choose, considering your personal point of view as one more. Unlike thinking that this is a limit, parameters and goals can be developed to open the panorama.
It is about incorporating the habit of wondering and questioning the why of things, without settling for the easy answer. You have to make room for the absurd and work by trial and error.

When a problem seems insoluble, thinking outside the box is trying to achieve a totally different approach that no one else could see. If someone stays in their comfort zone: they feel comfortable, but nothing amazing can happen. On the other hand, when working for results, every time an action is carried out, it generates successes or failures and they can be measured.
Even if things seem fine, it is advisable to challenge the status quo regularly and seek opposing or contradictory points of view to consider all possible alternatives.

Creativity emerges from routine. Even the smallest changes can take you out of the ordinary. Changing the order of activities or even the way they are carried out, or simply doing something spontaneous and different.

There are no stupid or absurd ideas. Thinking outside the box also means allowing yourself to bring up even the strangest ideas or concepts and even asking children for advice because they do not yet have prejudices.

You have to listen to the previous voice when it appears: “This is the way I was taught,” “This is the way I have always done it,” or “This is how everyone does it.” These phrases are the worst enemy of this mode of thinking because they mentally limit the exploration of new horizons. Faced with these preconceived ideas, it is better to ask yourself: why have I always thought or acted this way?

It is about cultivating an attitude of wonder in the face of the miracle of nature. The sources to observe are infinite, it is everything that is presented to us throughout the day: a quote, an object, a letter, an idea. Flaubert said that anything observed carefully becomes wonderful. Once faced with the object, the important thing is to learn to ask: its history, its manufacturing process, the raw material that constitutes it, etc.

The optimal state of mind for observing is achieved through relaxation and concentration techniques. This state, which we will call “receptive”, must combine: floating attention (being prepared to take advantage of chance) with a specific action in the act of perception (having the intention to observe). Observation can be two types. The reproductive It represents the object, the person or the fact: as it is and not as a conceptual abstraction. Creative observation is consider the same reality, but what changes is the vision. The creative gaze captures something more, what ordinary people cannot see.

Think outside the box. Knowing how to observe produces immediate results. AND: to a good observer few words.
