The winners of BASF’s “Connect to Transform”

BASF defined the three social and environmental impact projects that won the “Connect to Transform” competition.

This program sponsors initiatives that contribute to the communities where BASF is inserted -Quinta Normal, Concón and Quintero- and to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations (UN), focusing on employability, environmental and scientific education, and protection of natural resources and biodiversity.

Since 2017, through Conectar para Transformar, the company has supported 74 programs throughout Chile, Argentina and Brazil, 20 of which have been developed in our country, benefiting more than 63,000 people.

«We are committed to contributing to society and the environment where we are immersed as an organization. “We want to promote projects that make a difference and generate opportunities in our surrounding communities.”comments María Jesús López, Manager of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability BASF Chile & Peru.

The three selected proposals aim to strengthen environmental education, the circular economy and promote recycling:

The Matter of Trust Chile Foundation will carry out cleaning activities on the beaches in the Quintero area. Together with the community, they will develop innovative devices made with human hair, which will improve water quality and recover marine resources. At the same time, we seek to educate and raise awareness in the community about the protection of natural resources and biodiversity. The initiative is projected to benefit more than 100,000 people.

The Biotech Academy Biociencias Limitada will train 60 students from 13 to 18 years old from the Quinta Normal, Concón and Quintero sectors in agricultural biotechnology. Of them at least 65% will be women. This program promotes the comprehensive development of skills to address real challenges, hoping to formulate at least 12 scientific-technological projects aimed at solving local problems.

Fundación Basura wins this call for the second consecutive year, continuing with its mission of comprehensively addressing organic waste management. On this occasion the work extends to the Concón commune and will deepen what was done in Quinta Normal.

Participatory days will be held to collect discarded vegetables at Ferias Libres, which will be delivered as food rations for charitable organizations or sent to compost, thus contributing to the environment. The project will impact almost 20,000 people located in Quinta Normal and Concón.

The winning programs will be executed in 2024 and will receive funds of $8,650,000 pesos over 12 months. The selection of projects is part of the company’s social commitment strategy, which is based on two pillars: shared value to contribute to socio-environmental development, and corporate citizenship to participate in the social development of the communities in which BASF is present. present.
