The ABCs of content marketing

When working on the internet content of any company, there are two options: be or pretend. Consumers smell the pretenders.

In a world where no one wants to see perfection anymore but rather reality, the way in which something is communicated is essential for the consumer to receive the desired impact for the brand.

The following 5 points are the ABCs of content marketing so that the objectives are met:

  1. Define who you are. What values ​​does your brand represent? How will you speak and how will you communicate? Will your brand speak to people in the first person or in the third person? Is it serious and formal or informal and talkative? For consistency, it is important to be clear about this before starting. Define your personality but with a maxim: Are you real? Don’t try to be who you are not
  2. Where is your target: Although today “we are all everywhere” the reality is that to promote your brand you should first think about where your target is looking for the product or service you offer. Once you have identified the channels your target is on, you can start communicating with them: interact, write content that people want to read, ask, add (or multiply)
  3. Plan and create: Creating content every day can be too demanding, especially if you add it to all the work your company does. Therefore, to begin with, it is not necessary to fill the internet with content. Choose which messages you want to share and spend time to create that content. Dedicate time. Don’t do it to publish or because it’s your turn. Your company is supposed to be an expert in those issues you are talking about, right? Well, let that expertise be seen. Let it be noted that your company is the best placed from the point of view of that topic that you have raised.
  4. Listen and correct: You must be attentive to the feedback you receive from users. Many times in those comments you will find key pieces to improve. Don’t close yourself off to the opinions of your employees and spokespersons. The company, although it must have a single voice, can have it through different people. Be receptive. Then you can take what you think fits what your company is like. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! (as long as the mistake is not too big or could cost you money) Another good way to learn is to closely follow other people/companies that are doing similar or different things but that you like how they are doing it
  5. Check before publishing: When you are about to send your content to the entire internet, review and list it. Namely: 1) am I transmitting the message I want to give? 2) am I demonstrating my value proposition? 3) is the concept clear? 4) Am I giving visibility to what I do? 5) Is it useful to let it roam freely?

If you answered yes to these five questions, we will have uploaded good content to the Internet that will help us communicate. Welcome. This is just the first phase. Thanks to useful and high-quality content we earn the loyalty and trust of users.

“Telling is something inherent to the human race: its ability to take advantage of stories as a vehicle to progress. Counting helps us focus our way of making ourselves visible to our potential clients. We are talking about capturing their attention: getting a client is very complicated and expensive. However, it is in content marketing where we have an unexpected ally”comments Sergio Redondo, SEO Manager at Raíz Digital.
