Many years ago, on a trip to India, a spiritual leader taught me that the secret to a happy life was to maintain coherence between thoughts, words and actions. A powerful, wise and accurate teaching, without a doubt. Coherence is a value that everyone values, but that very few use.
In business, being inconsistent is a bad investment, and so companies and their executives strive to be and appear consistent. But something goes wrong in the process because it is very difficult to find consistency.
From the classic «The customer is always right” to the most modern ” You you come first”Companies sweeten our ears, trying to convince us that they are willing to lose money to see us satisfied. However, behind every giant declaration of love for the customer there is hidden fine print.
The same thing happens at the country level. The absence of coherence in all sectors of society is the basis of the crisis.
Entrepreneurship permeated with values such as ethics, morality, honesty, transparency, service, solidarity, integrity, commitment, environmental awareness and inclusion, among others, is necessary if we want to build solid companies and make a positive contribution to the recovery of our society.
If you are going to undertake something, add a greater dose of coherence to what you do. If your thoughts, words and actions are aligned, your chances of success will not only be greater; they will also be prolonged.
Happy week, happy life, happy endeavors
Marcelo Berenstein
(email protected)