Earning money is very good. The idea is not to work only to pay taxes, eat or dress but also to live comfortably. To do this, a certain amount of ambition and desire to improve are necessary. The point is not to fall into extremes.
It is as harmful to be indifferent to silver as it is to be extremely attached to it.
I once heard a perfect definition:
Money is like shoes: walking in a smaller size is tight, walking in a larger size is uncomfortable.
This, in my imperfect way of seeing, means that it is desirable to earn a lot; but it is ideal to allocate part of the income to the most needy sectors.
A good and wise distribution of entrepreneurship income would be: One part for obligations, another for reinvesting, another for pleasure and another to be socially responsible.
The “Oracle of Ohama”, Warren Buffett, who knows how to make tons of money, has a phrase that well defines the true importance of money:
“Only buy something you will be happy with if the market closes for 10 years”
I once read a short story called “Wall Street and the Monkeys,” which clearly depicts the drawbacks of excessive ambition and speculation. I share it hoping that your endeavors make you financially prosperous, generous and responsible:
«Once a well-dressed man came to town, settled in the only hotel there was, and put an ad on the only page of the local newspaper, where he was willing to buy each monkey they brought him for $10.
The farmers who knew that the forest was full of monkeys ran out to hunt them.
The man bought, as he had promised in the advertisement, the hundreds of monkeys that were brought to him for $10 each without a word.
But since there were very few monkeys left in the forest, and it was difficult to hunt them, the farmers lost interest, so the man offered $20 for each monkey, and the farmers ran back into the forest.
Once again the monkeys were dwindling, and the man raised the offer to $25, and the farmers returned to the forest to hunt the few monkeys that remained, until it was almost impossible to find one.
At this point the man offered $50 for each monkey, but since he had business to attend to in the city, he would leave the business of buying monkeys in charge of his assistant.
Once the man traveled to the city, his assistant addressed the peasants saying: “Look at this cage full of thousands of monkeys that my boss bought for his collection, he doesn't even remember he has them.”
I offer to sell the monkeys to you for $35, and when my boss returns from the city they will sell them to you for $50 each.
The farmers pooled all their savings and bought the thousands of monkeys that were in the big cage, and waited for the 'boss' to return.
From that day on they did not see either the assistant or the boss again. “The only thing they saw was the cage full of monkeys, which they bought with their life savings.”
Happy week, happy endeavors, happy life to all.
Marcelo Berenstein
(email protected)