10 (+1) quotes by Tom Peters

Tom Peters is a guru of management and business excellence. We share some inspiring phrases so that you go in search of excellence

He rose to fame after the publication of “In Search of Excellence” in 1982, a book in which he encouraged leaders to approach business in a radically different way.

Since then, it has influenced thousands of businessmen and entrepreneurs around the world.

Here we leave you some inspiring phrases from Tom Peters so that you also go in search of excellence:

«The success of a business rests on sales: the temporary marriage between company and customer»

“Being competent at something means sharpening your focus”

The personal brand links your passions, your key attributes and your strengths, with a value proposition, making clear what differentiates you from others”

«If we do not make fools of ourselves from time to time, we will become presumptuous. That is to say, we will get nowhere.”

«You have to know how to motivate the team to create a product of excellence. While leaders must be realistic, they also have to be optimistic, because the obstacles to launching and growing a business are so many that absolute faith in what you are doing is required.

«Thanks to the Internet, a small room is a global headquarters for a professional services company… if you are especially good at what you do»

«If your job is not special, you will not be noticed, no matter how hard you apply yourself to it… And you will not be paid much either»

«To learn you do not need coercion. Learning should be meaningful, casual, collaborative. Learning always involves feelings. “We learn like hell when we really want to learn.”

“You can’t get out of a box just by thinking; “we have to act”

“When capital and technology are equally accessible to everyone, what makes the difference is the quality of human capital”

«P“He hated that he had done some really fantastic things… but his boss wouldn’t let him.”
